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Asus Smartphone Frame

Restore Your Asus ZenFone or ROG Phone with Genuine Replacement Frames

Does your Asus Smartphone have a damaged frame? Don't let a cracked or bent frame compromise the functionality and aesthetics of your device! At Asus Accessories, we offer a comprehensive selection of genuine Asus replacement frames designed for a variety of ZenFone and ROG Phone models, including the latest ZenFone 10. A damaged frame can lead to more than just cosmetic issues. It can compromise the structural integrity of your phone, potentially leading to phone screen cracks, internal component damage, and increased vulnerability to dust and moisture. Replacing a damaged frame promptly helps safeguard your phone and prevent further harm.

 We exclusively offer 100% genuine Asus Smartphone Frames, manufactured and certified by Asus. This guarantees optimal compatibility, quality, and performance for your smartphone, whether ROG or ZenFone. Many of our replacement frames come in a variety of colors (white, black, red, gold, etc.) to perfectly match the original look of your phone. Additionally, depending on the model, some frames may include pre-assembled components like speakers, volume buttons, or camera lenses.

How to Replace an Asus Smartphone Internal Frame

Our team offers simple steps to carry out this repair on your own rather than paying a professional. Warning: before performing your smartphone repair it is advisable to make a full backup of your data as a precaution.
- Take a small flat screwdriver and a Phillips screwdriver and turn off your smartphone.
- Slide the flat screwdriver into the gap between the bottom of the back cover and the front of the phone to gently unclip the rear cover and remove it.
- Then remove the Sim card and the SD card
- Unscrew all the Phillips screws on the outer frame
- Underneath the camera is the volume button, unclip it with your flat screwdriver and remove it
- Slide the screwdriver back into the gap between the outer frame and the screen of your phone and gently pry it up to unclip it
- Replace the distorted chassis with the new one and redo the steps in the other direction to reassemble your phone
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